Workers’ Comp Physicians & Panels
When it comes to getting back to work after an injury, SafT Integration can help! Combining our Transitional Duty Program with comprehensive Physician communication can have your employees back to work in no time. When an employee gets hurt and needs to return to work, a process is put in place to make sure the employee gets back safely and without risks.
The Good and Bad of Workers’ Comp Panels
Workers compensation doctor panels, such as in Pennsylvania, can either be the best or the worst for a company’s overall costs on claims. There are several things you can do to make the panel work to your favor.
First off, know what doctors are on the panel and their history as it pertains to getting injured workers back to work in a timely fashion through the use of transitional (light duty) work. After that, ask for different doctors to be on your panel. It is your right, it is your panel!
If you are not sure what transitional work an injured employee can do, we will work with you on creating duties that are within the restrictions given by the doctor and helps the worker be and feel productive. This is will help the employee recover quicker than if they sat at home.
In states like Ohio, an employee can use any doctor they choose. We will communicate with these doctors on your behalf and help them realize that the company has transitional work and work with the doctor to create a job description for the injured person’s limitations.
Education Matters
When you work with treating physicians and the injured employee, everyone wins. Employees know you care about their healing. Doctors know going forward that your team is proactive in returning injured workers to their pre-injury status. Often, the doctor might not know a Transitional Return to Work program is available. Moreover, when your employee returns to work, they will do so in a safe and healthy manner.
Learn More About Our Transitional Duty Program
To learn more about how we coordinate Workers’ Comp Physicians and Panels with our Transitional Return to Work Program, fill out the form below or get in touch with us today!
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