OSHA National Emphasis Program: Beat The Heat

Summer is just around the corner, which means lots of fun in the sun but also high levels of humidity and increased temperatures. This year, OSHA is implementing a brand new program that will help keep your employees safe during the hot summer months. Keep reading below to learn more about the “Beat The Heat” requirements and how we can help you kickstart this new program! 

What Is OSHA’s Heat Exposure NEP? 

OSHA develops new programs to assist businesses with maintaining employee safety under all conditions. The programs are called National Emphasis Programs (NEPs). This is where the Beat The Heat program comes into play. This NEP is to ensure that employees in high-hazard industries, or when the “feels like” temperature is at or above 80º F, are protected from heat-related hazards, indoors and outdoors, that may lead to severe illnesses, injuries, or death/

What Is Covered In The Beat The Heat Program? 

This new program will ensure the safety of your employees working in high humidity or high-temperature locations throughout the country. Too much heat is not a good thing and having a program that can cover everything needed to remain relaxed and safe is essential. 

SafT has developed the following to help employers roll out the National Emphasis Program: 

  • Dealing with heat exhaustion 
  • Using the right PPE to stay cool throughout your shift 
  • Utilizing equipment such as the Kestrel Drop 2, Flir sensors, dehumidifiers, and more
  • Training sessions to keep calm and hydrated 
  • Incorporating job rotations between hot and cool environments.
  • And so much more. 

How SafT Integration Can Help You This Summer With A Beat The Heat Program

We can help you create a custom and successful Beat The Heat program this summer! To get in touch with one of our professionals, click here!

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