How To Keep Your Emergency Exits Safe And Reliable

Emergency exit routes provide the safest way to evacuate a building during a fire, chemical leak, or active shooter situation. First responders such as firefighters and police may also need emergency exits to enter a building. Since emergencies can’t be planned, it’s critical to maintain your exit routes at all times.

Weekly Inspections Are The Way To Go

In the event of an emergency, or if your workplace is subjected to an OSHA or insurance inspection, you must ensure that your emergency exits are in good order. Below are some critical tips on how to do so: 

  • Keep your emergency exit obstruction-free from inside and out
  • Make sure your exit lights are visible throughout the facility. 
  • Have maps and signs pointing towards your emergency exits (this is especially crucial if your company is large or you have many visitors onsite). 
  • Have proper emergency lighting to ensure your employees and staff can safely get to the exits in case of low visibility due to smoke. 
  • Don’t forget employee training through new hire orientation, tailgate talks, and fire/emergency drills

These guidelines will keep you and your staff safe during an emergency. SafT Integration is here to assist you with Emergency Action Plan design and implementation.

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