2022 OSHA 300 Logs Deadline
Your OSHA 300 log, and summary OSHA 300A, are to be posted from February 1, 2022, through April 1, 2022. Your 300A data must also be submitted electronically before March 2, 2022. These tasks must be completed before or on the due date above to comply with OSHA guidelines. What can your company do to prepare?
What Does This Mean For Your Company?
Due to recent changes, OSHA requires that 49 employees in specific industries submit their 300A data electronically. All companies with more than ten employees must keep annual 300 logs and post the 300A summary info where employees can easily see it. Typically, your HR director or safety officer tracks this information. As with most OSHA compliance, the logs need to have all recordable injuries and illnesses entered adequately to avoid fines.
What Is Inside The OSHA 300 Logs?
DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) is a measure of your business’s safety. A DART rate records workplace illnesses or injuries that occurred within a calendar year.
Suppose your DART rate is above your industry’s threshold. In that case, your company will be targeted by OSHA and be put on a watchlist. To avoid this, you need to know what types of injuries frequently occur – and work to eliminate those causes to create a safer workplace!.
How Can Your Company Improve Their OSHA DART Rate?
First up, complete your 300 and 300A with recordable injuries, count only qualifying days, and use the right employee and hour counts. These can be confusing, but the SafT team is here to help!
You can improve your DART rate in the long run by implementing a transitional return to work program. Transitional duty allows injured employees to work within their doctor’s restrictions. As a result, they will record fewer days away from work. Your company must keep your OSHA 300 log updated throughout the year.
The SafT Integration transitional duty program is proven to reduce your DART rate and help your company accurately report workplace injuries. It’s one of the many ways our Safety First approach saves your company money.
Don’t miss the deadline! Give us a call or fill out the contact form below!
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